Writing in the Sciences Week1 学习笔记
本篇博客为 Coursera 上一门关于科学写作公开课的学习笔记。
- 好文章的标准是什么?
- 好的文章表达想法非常简洁与有效
- 这需要有可以说的东西以及清晰的想法
- 好文章的写作风格是优雅和时髦的
- 这需要时间以及大量的修改
- 很多作者往往过分关注第二点而忽视了第一点
- 好的文章表达想法非常简洁与有效
- 好作者的标准是什么?
- 有东西可说
- 逻辑性思考
- 了解一些简单的、可以学习的写作规则(本课程学习)
- 本课程的主旨
- 复杂的想法并不需要复杂的语言
- 科学写作阅读起来应该是容易甚至享受的
- 高效写作需要遵循以下原则
- 去除杂乱(不必要的单词和短语)
- 使用主动语态
- 用动词写作:
- 使用强动词
- 避免将动词变成名词
- 不要将主要动词埋藏在句子中
- 常见的杂乱(clutter)包括:
- 累赘的单词或短语
- As it is well known
- 没有具体含义的单词或短语
- basic tenets of
- 可以被缩短的长单词或短语
- muscular and cardiorespiratory performance
- 没有必要的专业术语和缩写词
- miR
- 重复的单词或短语
- studies/examples
- 副词
- very, really, quite, etc.
- 累赘的单词或短语
- 这些杂乱都与要表达的想法无关,所以应该去除
- 除了上述所说,下面还有几个关于去除杂乱的技巧:
- 尽量消除否定
- 尽量消除 there are/there is
- 省略不需要的介词
- The meeting happened
onMonday. - They agreed
thatit was true.
- The meeting happened
- Anti-inflammatory drugs may be protective for the occurrence of Alzheimer’s Disease.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs may protect against Alzheimer's Disease.
- Clinical seizures have been estimated to occur in 0.5% to 2.3% of the neonatal population.
- Clinical seizures occur in 0.5% to 2.3% of newborns.
- As we can see from Figure 2, if the return kinetic energy is less than 3.2 Up, there will be two electron trajectories associated with this kinetic energy.
- Figure 2 shows that a return kinetic energy less than 3.2 Up yields two electron trajectories.
- Give a five-letter word that means the same thing as: “has no”.
- lacks
- Many women with BRCA mutations take prophylactic steps towards reducing their risk of ever getting the cancer because early detection is not perfect.
- Many women with BRCA mutations opt for prophylaxis, because early detection is imperfect.