Writing in the Sciences Week2 学习笔记
- 被动语态由 to be 形式的动词加主要动词的过去式构成
- 主要动词需要是及物动词
- 主动语态与被动语态的案例:
- 被动:My first visit to Boston will always be remembered by me.
- 主动:I will always remember my first visit to Boston.
- 使用主动语态的好处:
- 强调了作者的职责
- 提升可读性
- 减少歧义
- 需要注意的是,被动语态是完全可以使用的
- 需要有目的性且少量地使用
- 对于论文来说,方法部分可以适当地多使用被动语态
- 因为在方法中做了什么比谁做的更加重要
使用 We 或 I 是否合适?
- 老师认为是合适的,原因有以下三点:
- 主动语态更加生动也更容易阅读
- 避免人称代词并不会让你的文章更加客观
- 刻意不使用人称代词可能会让你所做的工作无法充分体现
- 通过指明人称,可以让你对你所写的内容负责
- 在进行一些断言时使用 we 或者 I 来对其负责
- 使用较强烈的动词
- 不要过多的使用 to be
- 避免将动词转换为名词
- 不要埋藏主要动词
- 让主语和动词尽量保持接近,并放在句首
- data 是复数形式
- 注意区分 affect 和 effect
- affect 是动词
- effect 是名词
- 注意区分 compared to 和 compared with
- compared to 意在指出不同事物之间的相似性
- compared with 意在指出相似事物之间的不同(在科学论文中更经常出现)
- 注意区分定语从句中的 that 和 which
- that 是限制性代词(表示定义)
- which 是非限制性代词(不表示定义)
- 区分方法:判断该从句是否是必需的
- 如果该从句不能被去除(会影响句子的含义),使用 that
- 如果去除该从句不影响句子的基本含义,且用逗号隔开,则使用 which
- 当主语是单数时,之后的代词不要使用复数(考虑将主语换成复数)
- Each student worries about their grade ❌
- All students worry about their grades.
Revise the following passage for clarity and brevity; also, change all passive voice sentences to the active voice.
We classified injuries as initial or subsequent injuries. An initial injury was defined as the athlete’s first injury incident during the season. Subsequent injury was defined as any injury that occurred after the initial injury, including re-injury to the same body part or a subsequent new injury to a different body part. Total injuries included all injuries recorded, initial and subsequent.
Revised: We subdivided total injuries into initial and subsequent. An initial injury was the athlete’s first injury during the season; a subsequent injury was any that occurred after the initial injury (including re-injury to the same body part).